Friday, May 14, 2010

We Can't Make This Stuff Up!

Look at what the [mis]ruling Democrats are handing to the conservative cause for free, if only we have the will to exploit these:

John G. Winder, The Cypress Times
Published 05/14/2010 - 3:35 p.m. CST
Obama Administration Cuts NYC Anti-Terrorist Funding!

Hey, why not? It’s not like terrorists ever target NYC. Good job, Mr. Prez!

10,000 Square Foot Islamic Center To Be Built at Ground Zero

It’s true. You can’t make-up something this ridiculous.

Obama Administration Wants to Cut Military Pay!

Hey, why not? Those guys don’t do anything.

CBO says Obamacare to Cost More Than Projected

Duh, see above; cuts for NYC anti-terrorist funding and cuts for military pay. Turns out all those racist, rabble-rousers formerly known collectively as the American people were right to oppose the legislation.

For the rest of the story, see The Cypress Times.

In the same vein, there's a video on, where retired Gen. Boykin stops short of saying "political correctness" in bluntly explaining why Maj. Hasan was allowed to be placed in a position where he could pull off the shooting spree at Fort Hood, TX.

UPDATE: In Texas, HOA covenant Nazis auction off the home of a Soldier valued at $300,000 for only $3500, because he failed to pay $800 in payments while deployed to Iraq!

Remember hearing about the mosque that's under construction near Ground Zero? They plan to have a grand opening on the 11th of September, 2011! Source: New York Post

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