Sunday, September 18, 2011

Colorado Embarrassed by Pair Re-Enacting "Weekend at Bernie's"

My Way News recounts the strange adventures of Robert Young, 43, and Mark Rubinson, 25, of Denver, who found their friend Jeffrey Jarrett dead at his home and decided to load his lifeless body into Robinson's SUV. They went to a nightclub and a restaurant with Jarrett in the vehicle, returned to his house and put him in bed. They used Jarrett's bank card "without his permission" to buy drinks, gasoline, food, and to withdraw $400 in cash from an ATM at Shotgun Willie's strip club.

"As the men left the Shotgun Willie's parking lot, one told the valet and a police officer standing nearby that 'they were driving around with a dead guy and they didn't know what to do with it and they were just going to go home really fast,' general manager Matthew Dunafon said.

"Police went to Jarrett's home and found the body.

"Police say Young told them Jarrett was obviously dead while they were at the first stop of the night...."

The pair has been charged with abusing a corpse, identity theft and criminal impersonation. Young posted a $2,500 bond and Rubinson a $3,500 bond.

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