John Hawkins wrote the following column,
"Fifteen Reasons I'm Already Tired of the Obama Era." Here's an excerpt:
"3) Barack Obama is like Jimmy Carter on speed. In anticipation of the American people vomiting at the mere mention of his name in the future, he's trying to cram every single thing on the liberal wish list through so fast that our legislators don't even have time to read the bills that they're voting on."
Ted Nugent shows he has a way with words by weighing in on Attorney General Holder's charge that "Americans are cowards for not having a deeper discourse about race."
I am a proud, large and in charge American man who was born, raised and cut my rhythm and blues musical teeth in the guts of Motown, the Mighty Motor City. All of my musical heroes were and are black musical gods. If you don't enjoy my soulful music, blame musical mastersoulblasters Chuck Berry and James Brown. They taught me how to dance, play outrageous music and scare people.
Quite honestly, I have no idea what Attorney General Holder was speaking about. Does he want white, red, yellow and black folk to get together to discuss culinary similarities, religious views, cultural differences, political ideologies? I have neither the time nor inclination for this kind of trivial small talk. I like to get next to the matter real quick like.
Instead of tossing out racially-loaded bombshells, Attorney General Holder should have used a few personal anecdotes about his distrust or misunderstanding of white folk, Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, or Arabs. That would have displayed true leadership, shown that even he harbors ugly racist views in the privacy of his own home. Surely there must be some racist skeletons hanging in his closet or he wouldn't have made such a comment.
Meanwhile, we are reminded every so often that desperate times call for desperate measures, but Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut, understandably worried about the lowest approval ratings in his political career, seems to have carried that maxim a little too far. In her op-ed piece for FOX News,
"Is Chris Dodd Worried About Reelection or Simply Off His Meds?" Liz Peek wrote:
"Dodd set off another run on the bank stocks Friday by encouraging speculation that the country’s biggest financial institutions were headed for nationalization. Speaking on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt”, Dodd’s comments that “it’s possible it (nationalization) may happen” undermined efforts by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs who was across town trying to defuse the issue. The result? Another plunge in the stock prices of Citigroup — down 20 % and Bank of America — off 12%. The market took its cue from the beleaguered sector, selling off another 100 points to the lowest level since 2002."
Little Green Footballs blog ran this article about Scientologists blaming psychiatry for 9-11 and the Holocaust. Here are a few paragraphs from that article:
...prominent members of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (a Scientology front group whose overwrought website dedicated to exposing psychiatry as an “Industry of Death” can be seen here) calmly explain that bin Laden was brainwashed into committing acts of terrorism by his “psychiatrist”, Al-Qaeda deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Chairman of CCHR Florida Dave Figueroa claims that terrorism is inextricably linked to psychiatry. As he puts it: “behind those individual acts of mayhem you find psychiatrists, you find psychologists and their drugs”. In bin Laden’s case it was Zawahiri: “that ideology of terror was coming from bin Laden who was influenced by a psychiatrist and that really is the bottom line.”
Neither Figueroa nor Clarke seems overly worried about the fact that Zawahiri is in fact an eye-surgeon and not a psychiatrist, that there is absolutely no evidence for what they’re saying, nor that religious violence predates psychiatry by, oh, several thousand years.