Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pat Sajak on Celebrity Endorsements

Pat Sajak, host of the game show "Wheel of Fortune" writes on a subject he knows something about in Human Events, and puts it in perspective. Here's a paragraph that sums up his message:

"Putting those obvious benefits aside, the question remains: do these endorsements really translate into votes? Does anyone decide which candidate to choose based on the recommendation of a TV talk show host or a singer/actress? If any group of citizens is uniquely unqualified to tell someone else how to vote, it’s those of us who live in the sheltered, privileged arena of celebrityhood. It’s one thing to buy an ab machine because Chuck Norris recommends it (he’s in good shape, isn’t he?) or a grill because George Foreman’s name is on it (he’s a great guy, so it must be a great grill!), but the idea of choosing the Leader of the Free World based on the advice of someone who lives in the cloistered world of stardom seems a bit loony to me."
Something new I learned today: Pat Sajak has written a series of conservative articles on his Web site, under "Sajak Says..." at

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