Friday, January 4, 2008

As the Dust Settles on Presidential Candidates...

Here’s how I would interpret the results of yesterday's Iowa caucuses:

Huckabee – So far, so good (from his point-of-view). Expect him to gang up with McCain in New Hampshire in an attempt to finish off Gov. Romney.
Romney – Able to hold out for awhile, but needs to win a primary fast. Seems like an impressive resume is not enough; he needs to engage the public on a personal level.
Thompson, F. – A disappointing showing, but maybe his luck will change if he were working a more conservative state.
Giuliani – Not cultivating Iowa and New Hampshire may actually be disadvantageous to his cause, since the spotlight is on his competition right now.
McCain – Didn’t do too badly considering he was concentrating on New Hampshire rather than Iowa.

Obama – On a roll! He has consistently attracted the largest and most enthusiastic crowds, and his success in Iowa should enable him to raise even more money.
Clinton, H. – In a state of shock. For someone who was hailed as Ms. Inevitability only a few weeks ago, even a slight setback can be devastating.
Edwards – For all the time, money, and effort he lavished on Iowa, he should have been first. If he can’t make it in South Carolina again, he might as well pack it up and go home. He can comfort himself with the knowledge that his populist themes have been taken up by Huckabee and Obama.
Dodd & Biden – They’re history.

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