Monday, January 28, 2008

Dept. of Unintended Consequences Working Overtime Again!

New Word for Today:
Electile Dysfunction: The inability to become aroused over
any of the choices for president put forth by either party
in the 2008 elections.
  • It's too bad the dinosaur media created the false dichotomy of race vs. gender in the competition between Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination. That is an oversimplification, and we have seen that female voters do not gravitate to Hillary just because she's a woman.
  • Although I had a little fun with John Kerry's endorsement of Barack Obama, the Kennedys' endorsement today carries more weight in Democratic circles. Sen. Ted Kennedy, his son Patrick, and niece Caroline, were politically savvy enough to recognize that it's not worth alienating the Democrats' most loyal constituency, African Americans, for a little temporary advantage.
  • Mere days before the Florida primary, John McCain has slimed Gov. Romney with the allegation that he did not fully support our troops in Iraq and was pushing for set dates for withdrawal of our forces. This is not true, and even the New York Times admits that McCain crossed the line. But this allegation could influence the outcome of this primary, and the ones immediately following, as Romney doesn't have time to react. Ronald Kessler describes this blunder in detail in the NewsMax article, "McCain Presidency Would Be a Disaster."

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