Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This Isn't Rocket Science

Here are the guidelines that got me a lot of mileage during my days as a supervisor. Since God gave Moses only 10 commandments, I stopped at 10, so core values such as "when you make a promise, keep it" falls under the injunction to be honest (5).

Keys to Motivation

1. Give your people all the freedom they can handle.
2. Listen.
3. Set the example.
4. Encourage initiative and creativity.
5. Never lie, cheat, or steal.
6. Back up your team.
7. Make certain that everyone is well-trained.
8. Remember that vanity, bullying, and intimidation are quick ways to turn off those who may otherwise be your friends.
9. Love, caring, and appreciation go a long way.
10. Develop a reputation for fairness.

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