Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another Blog Validates What We Believe: Political Violence More Likely to Come from the Left

This just in from Vocal Minority:

Liberal Lie #14: The Right Is Violent, the Left Is Civil - Oil Exec's Wife Hurt by Mail Bomb

For over a year-and-a-half now Democrat politicians, their accomplices in the media, and President Obama himself have lamented that the “inflammatory” and “incendiary” rhetoric of the Right can have violent consequences. Right-wing talk radio, the Tea Party movement, and certain outspoken Republican politicians who have the nerve to question President Golden Calf (e.g., Sarah Palin) have all been accused of stoking violence against Obama and Democrat Congress. Janet “Big Sis” Napolitano officially had the Tea Party movement labeled terrorists and extremists!

Yet, those predicted acts of violence from the Right never seem to happen, do they?

But you know who we do get plenty of actual instances of violences from? The Left. The Obama-loving, Democrat-voting, conservative-bashing, capitalism-despising, Republican-fearing Left.

And who does the stoking of this violence? Well, Democrat politicians of course. Consider these gems:

•“I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”

•“I’ll put Mr. Burgess up against Sean Hannity. He’ll tear him up.”

•“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun”

•“My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”

•“… so I know whose ass to kick.”

Those incitements to violence, my friends, are from the mouth of the President of the United States. The same guy who is constantly worried that any opposition to his destructive policies is enough to drive someone to anti-Obama violence.

It’s bad enough that liberals/Democrats live in an entirely upside-down Bizarro world. It’s even worse when our own president does.

And it’s just happened again:

Woman injured when box explodes outside home...(the list goes on and on)

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