Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tancredo Throws Down the Gauntlet published a story that had been brewing for some time in Colorado: former Congressman Tom Tancredo is threatening to run as a gubernatorial candidate for the American Constitution Party if Scott McInnis and Dan Maes, the two Republican candidates whom he regards as being fatally flawed, do not drop out of the race.

UPDATE1: There is quite a lot of drama and negative campaigning going on for the hotly contested U.S. Senate seat held by appointed Sen. Michael Bennet, who is fighting off a challenge by former speaker of the state house Andrew Romanoff, who has loyal grassroots support. On the Republican side, Ken Buck (generously backed by "Americans for Job Security") and former lieutenant governor Jane Norton have been clawing at each other for the nomination.

UPDATE2: Not surprisingly, the Colorado Republican Party refuses to let Tancredo force its hand, accordng to a Denver Post article.

UPDATE3: Former Rep. Tancredo's decision to run for governor today [26 July] after both McInnis and Maes refused to step aside is widely regarded as suddenly improving Democratic Mayor Hickenlooper's prospects.

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