Thursday, May 22, 2008

Not for the Thin-Skinned

Sen. Obama has been stirring up a lot of resentment by declaring so many aspects of his presidential campaign off-limits. Reality check: when your spouse is busy giving speeches all over the land, expect him or her to become fair game if the content is offensive to most citizens. Also, even your supporters are going to wonder if you can stand up to Osama bin Laden and other bad guys if you can't even tolerate a little criticism. What I've heard about Obama to date pales in comparison to the raging torrent of vile invective that has been leveled at George W. Bush for nearly 8 years.

Michael Reagan has a few choice words in
Here is El Rushbo's take on the same subject.
Robert Novak portrays John McCain as a wise old general who refuses to be lured into a fight on terrain favorable to the enemy, continuously probes for weaknesses, and is waiting for the right time to call in air and artillery strikes.

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