Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Real Reasons Why Scott McClellan Betrayed Bush

There has been much speculation about McClellan's sell-out, but Frank J. of has his number. This is far from being an exhaustive list - one reader offered the following compelling explanation: "Looks like 'ol George gave Scott one too many noogies back in the day."

May 30, 2008
Scott McClellan's Bad Stuff 'Bout Bush

Posted by Frank J. at 10:05 AM
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Scott McClellan has a new book out called Bad Stuff 'Bout Bush or something similar that is an unflattering tell all about the Bush administration. Being an important blogger, I already got a copy and here are some of the more damaging allegations in it:

* President Bush mislead the country about Iraq.
* He would often give people unflattering nicknames, like how he called Scott McClellan "Tubby Tubberson Who Is Tubby and I Hate Him".
* Was insensitive about the hurricane Katrina tragedy.
* Put dead fish in Scott McClellan's car.
* Used Scott McClellan to lie about the outing of Valerie Plame.
* On numerous occasions put Scott McClellan in a trash can and rolled him down a hill.
* Had political opponents disappeared.
* Once used a permanent marker to put a mustache on Scott McClellan while he was napping just before a press conference.
* Plotted to blow up an orphanage on the behest of big oil.
* Kept tying Scott McClellan shoe laces together.
* Talked about going to the National Archive and destroying the Constitution so no one would no whether or not he was violating it.
* Always made fun of Scott McClellan's tie.
* Razed a village in South America to make way for condos he never ended up building.
* Whenever he got bored, he'd order his Secret Service to "beat up Scott McClellan for being fat."
* Wasted a month of his administration seeking the lost city of gold.
* Would often spray Scott McClellan's path with a water bottle to make it look like he wet himself.
* Thought of selling America to buy another baseball franchise.
* Kept eating Scott McClellan's lunch even though it was clearly marked.
This all certainly looks bad for the Bush Administration, and President Bush has dismissed the charges in the book as "stuff written by a fat guy that everyone hates."

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