Tuesday, March 16, 2010

American Jews' Sado-Masochistic Relationship with the Democrats

Roger Simon in Pajamas Media once again brings up the curious love that American Jews have for a party that loves them not and is increasingly drawing closer to their enemies. Have they lost their instinct for self-preservation?

One reader ("mxzptlk") writes:

No, it won’t end, because it’s an abusive relationship.

Abusive relationships are characterized, in part, by raging, verbal abuse, threats, lies, broken promises, power plays and control games.

In such relationships, the abuse is not constant, but cyclical, leading the abused party to believe, in the triumph of hope over experience, that this time was either isolated or really the last.

Abuse victims usually rationalize their way into staying in the relationship, either because they believe they’ll be alone forever if they go out on their own, that nobody decent will want them because they’re damaged goods, or because they con themselves into forgiving the abuser (unwittingly positively reinforcing the pattern of abuse).

This raises a question for Jewish Democrats: Looking over the history between Jews and Democrats, starting from when Roosevelt blocked emigration of Jews from Nazi Germany to the US and later forbade the Army Air Force from bombing rail lines leading to death camps – and American Jewish reactions – does anything about the pattern of abusive relationships sound familiar?

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