As a patriot-friendly blog, we are proud to run these two letters, prompted by the Berkeley City Council's attempt to drive Marine recruiters out of town:
Mayor Tom Bates
2180 Milvia Street
Berkeley, Ca. 94704
Dear Major Bates, and Council members
As a retired member of the United States Marine Corps I am appalled at the recent decision that you and the Town Council deciding that the United States Marine Corps is no longer welcome in your socialist city. Do you realize this is America and not control by the Communist agenda? What's next, our churches? Do you not realize this is what communism is about throwing the good guys out and all for the shake of power. Do you think the military are the bad guys? Don't you believe in liberty? Are you trying to use the United States Constitution to turn it into you and your Council communist ideas? What is your agenda?
Don't you believe in freedom of speech and liberty? Many of us work for LIBERTY while others try to tear it down. Which category do you fall into? Do you realize that your city NATIONWIDE has a very bad reputation and many consider your action to be communist inspired? Your action and the actions of your disloyal Council is demeaning not only to our fine young mean and women of our Armed Forces but to the GENERAL PUBLIC over all. Even those who oppose this war. That includes some members of our Armed Forces.
In closing Mr. Major, I would like to remind you that if it wasn't for the MILITARY you and your Council wouldn't be acting and taking advantage of a situation in splitting these great United States. Your actions only divides this country. I hope you are proud of your actions. Many of us are not. I wonder if everyone in Berkeley supports your actions. Time will tell.
With NO respect to you,
Leo Robert
SgtMaj. USMC Ret.
PS Is it true that you were a reserve CAPTAIN serving in Germany? Which side?
In a message dated 1/31/2008 7:45:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
January 31st in the year of our Lord 2008
Mayor Tom Bates
2180 Milvia Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
Mayor Bates:
It has come to the attention of many Americans that you and your leftist allies who comprise
Berkeley's Town Council insist on demeaning and betraying our United States Marine Corps.
I am not sure if you people do these things because, like the 2 year old, you want attention,
you are so burned out you don't know any better, or you actually believe that way.
While I don't find it surprising that our nation's capitol for drug abuse and leftist radicalism
would engage in anti-military actions, it disgusts me nonetheless, and I am far from alone.
I write representing a family of five appreciative Americans, one of whom is an active duty
soldier in the United States Army serving his country proudly, while drugged out or naive
punks propagandized by fading hippies who call themselves professors on college
campuses all across America denigrate what he and his fellow brothers in arms do for the
rest of us. Old hippies love to relive the "glory days" of Vietnam War activism with all of its
accompanying pot, acid, free sex, and anti-military ranting. Party on slugs.
Have no fear, as I had already written Berkeley off many years ago as a lost cause and
would not set foot in that hippie infested dreamland for any reason short of participating in an
awakening of the scum infesting that armpit of the Peoples Republic of Californication. That's
right aging hippies, the political correctness that you and your ilk work to foist upon the rest of
us may one day turn around and burn you. You may one day become the politically incorrect
who have to live under the oppression of unappreciative countrymen. Wait, come to think of
it, you already are scorned by a majority of the nation. Forgive them Father for they know not
what they do.
While I realize you people are too sick and burned out to understand where we are coming
from, or to realize how blessed you are to be living in the land of Liberty, where we are
showered with Freedom, Endowed by the Creator, Saved by Jesus Christ, and Preserved
by the American Military Veteran, it still feels somewhat good to let you hear from the other
side, not that I believe for one minute that it will matter to people such as you who live behind
the fog of the mental disorder of liberalism.
There are two kinds of people in America, those who work to preserve Liberty and will do
whatever has to be done to meet that end, and those who suck the freedom provided by
the people who sacrifice on behalf of others. Basically, you people are what we call
Freedom Suckers. You aren't worthy to carry the boots of our Military members.
Disrespectfully yours,
Jeff "Mario" Smith
Guerilla Reporter
Grandson of WWI Veteran
Son and nephew of WWII Veterans
Brother of Vietnam and Korea Veterans
Father of Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran
jeffsmith@blueone.netcc. Berkeley Town Council