Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Now the FBI Tells Us: Kent State Protests Were Carefully Planned

Congratulations to all of those who lived long enough to learn that the Kent State "massacre" 40 years ago was the Ohio National Guard's response to three days of rioting that caused property damage and looting of 50 businesses and - check this out - several gunshots that were fired at the troops. FOX News reports facts out of FBI reports that were not made public at that time. One witness reported this snippet of a conversation between two of the organizers: "We did it! We got the riot started." This lends substance to what I suspected all along, that everyone - demonstrators, media, and the general public - was being manipulated in this all-out effort to influence American policy. This incident did not end dissent in our country (witness the demonstrations against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan when Bush was President), but rather succeeded in creating 4 instant martyrs and turning more Americans against the Vietnam War.

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