Strange shrine in Jared Loughner's yard (Source: NY Daily News)
Westboro "Baptist Church" to send protesters to funerals of Tucson massacre victims. From Glenn Beck's The Blaze.
When you apply for a passport, you will fill in the names of "Parent #1" and "Parent #2" instead of "mother" and "father." From Pajamas Media.
A male model admitted to killing and castrating gay journalist Carlos Castro, according to this New York Daily News article.
The Saudi Arabian government reports that a vulture they captured was spying for Israel's Mossad, according to this Orange News article.
Dutch schoolteacher discovers a mysterious green blob in outer space which is giving birth to new stars. It is called Hanny's Voorwerp (HAN'-nee's-FOR'-vehrp). Voorwerp is Dutch for object. This is one unusual story that's not as strange as the others. Source: CBS News.
UPDATE1: An American Thinker article reports that the alleged "spy bird" has been released. The equipment found on the buzzard is sometimes used to track rare migratory birds. Meanwhile, on "Hardball," Mark Penn, former political strategist for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, offers the opinion that Obama needs an event similar to the Oklahoma City bombing to "reconnect" with voters (YouTube video).
UPDATE2: We are heartened to read this FOX News article about Arizonans organizing a counter-protest to foil the Westboro "Baptist Church." Gov. Jan Brewer has just signed a bill, effective immediately, banning protests within 300 feet of a funeral.
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