Friday, April 29, 2011

Jimmy Carter Works Hard to Keep His Place in the "Blame America First" Crowd

Who would have guessed that this conservative blog would give ex-President Carter credit for working hard at anything? But this Breitbart story grabbed our attention:

Does Jimmy Carter Have No Shame?

Former President Jimmy Carter was just in Pyongyang, North Korea and blames the United States largely for the situation in the country. The United States and South Korea have chosen “to deliberately withhold food aid to the North Korean people because of political or military issues not related” and this amounts to a “human rights violation.”

Carter is on the Korean peninsula with former Irish President Mary Robinson and former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari. The three call themselves “the Elders.” A better name might be “the Seniles” because their view appear to be so off-base. They made their visit to North Korea but neither Kim Jong-Il nor his son and heir Jong-un met them....

UPDATE: Not surprisingly, CNN reports that the State Department has issued an official denial. "The blame for North Korea's food shortage belongs to the North Korean government," a State Department official said.

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