Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gingrich Challenges Romney for Lead Position

A Weekly Standard article describes how former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign, which was on the ropes just a few months ago, is now competing with Mitt Romney's.

"A new poll shows that, over the past month, Mitt Romney’s lead over Newt Gingrich in New Hampshire has shrunk from 35 points to 2. A month ago, a Magellan Strategies poll (a Republican poll) showed that Romney had the support of 41 percent of potential Republican primary voters in the Granite State, while Gingrich had 6 percent support. Now, the poll shows that 29 percent of respondents favor Romney, while 27 percent favor Gingrich...."

UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal points out that Gingrich's lead may be eroded by the consulting work he performed for Freddie Mac, for which he was well compensated [$1.6 million over 7 years].

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