Friday, June 27, 2008

"Stuff White People Like" Is a Parody Blog Site ;-)

Here's the beginning of one of the latest entries to "Stuff White People Like":

Being a truly advanced white person means being able to speak with authority about pretty much any field of conversation- especially politics. In order for white people to streamline the process of knowing everything, all human beings can be neatly filed into one of two categories: People I Agree With, and People Who are Just Like Adolf Hitler.

Reader Mark S. provides the following explanation:

I love this blog. Of course, by white he means liberals. Stuff liberals love, but the point is that liberalism is a mostly white mental disorder afflicting almost exclusively nations with a large Caucasian population.

Keep up the good work.

Yogurt. That’s another thing Liberals love. Do an article on that.

UPDATE: There's another parody blog called "Stuff Educated Black People Like."

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