Monday, June 30, 2008

This Is Not an Anti-Obama Blog!!!

Simon Owens of Bloggasm reported that Carissa Snedeker's blog, Blue Lyon, was hacked into and temporarily disabled for being critical of Sen. Barack Obama.

For this presidential election we have maintained neutrality, and to provide uninterrupted service, we have voluntarily deleted two posts that were less than complimentary of Obama, and still will not endorse John McCain. If that is not enough, I will restore those two posts, add many more, and cast my lot with the Republican. Although I am not afraid of exposing myself to danger, I also believe in avoiding unnecessary risk, and choose to fight my battles on terrain of my own choosing.


Anonymous said...

Obama is so bad, it make McCain look good. We are in deep trouble again this election cycle. Time to vote for a conservative third party candidate and stop this country into sliding deeper into the cess pool. Both major candidates would do that! What's the old saying,"INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS!"

"Doc Adler" said...

What makes so many of us conservatives so conflicted is that the fact that McCain has gotten this far is a SURE SIGN that the party establishment takes us for granted. Even if I were more enthusiastic about his candidacy, every time I see him on TV, I am reminded of the mortality of the oldest major-party presidential candidate. He may claim to have to stamina to meet the demands of the office, but will continue to pay the price of his POW experience for the rest of his life.

This blog posting may sound passive-aggressive, but anyone who messes with my God-given First Amendment rights is asking for WAR!!!