Friday, August 21, 2009

Is China Pushing for the Balkanization of India?

A Spero News article reported the following Chinese scheme:

The government of New Dehli made an official protest for the content of an article appeared on a Chinese site that aims to divide India in “20-30 small states” giving support to guerillas and nationalist movements present on the territory of the great nation or abroad.

Posted on April 8 on the website, (International Institute for Strategic Studies) the article detailed a roadmap for breaking up India. There it is stated: “To split India, China can bring into its fold countries like Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan, support ULFA in attaining its goal in Assam’ independence, back aspirations of Indian nationalities like Tamil and Nagas, encourage Bangladesh to give a push to the independence of West Bengal and lastly recover the 90,000 sq km territory in southern Tibet.”

The Government of India made inquiries about how much this website has the support of the Chinese Government and logged a protest. The Indian media spoke of a “quasi-official Chinese website”.

This idea of balkanization of India is old as the Indian state itself. After independence, in 1947, in the political circles of Europe many observers were predicting that India, after the tragic start with partition, will not hold together. After all India had never been a single political unit. The British Empire put it together and marked the boundaries from east, north and west. India does not have a common language. Immediately after independence there were internal fighting to redraw the boundaries of the different Indian states. The criterion of division according to the different languages was accepted. But many states are still quarrelling for the boundaries and for the utilization of rivers water....

EDITORIAL COMMENT: One reader of Free Republic wrote that the Chinese government had better be careful what it wishes for, because "more than one nation can play that game."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

India was always one country , the region where people who follow Sanatan Dharma was called as Bharat and historically it included modern day India, pakistan, afghanistan, nepal, bhutan, srilanka and bangladesh. The binding factor for India is not language but dharma i.e. Sanatan Dharma nowadays called as Hinduism which is something which the rest of the world has always tried to destroy but without any success.