Monday, December 17, 2007

Hillary's "Nuclear Option"

A FOX News article describes the dark cloud hanging over Democratic presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama. Since his father and grandmother were Muslim, rumors have circulated from person to person and on the Internet that he is a closet Muslim. This article goes on to say, "The issue gained prominence earlier this month when Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign forced the resignation of two Iowa volunteer coordinators who had forwarded e-mails that falsely tried to tie him to Islamic jihadists."

If the charge were true, Sen. Obama would be at risk of attack by one or more Muslims obsessing on the idea (true or otherwise) that he may be a traitor to Islam. We at "Bloodthirsty Warmonger" have no proof that he is a Muslim in good standing (i.e., one who is sworn to support the Five Pillars of the faith and who would be welcomed as a brother if he were to make the pilgrimage to Mecca).

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