Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Voluntarily Removing Themselves from the Gene Pool

According to Chuck Colson, members in good standing of the Church of Gaia are using sterilization, abortion, and other forms of birth control as an environmental statement.

One of these women [in the U.K.], Toni, works for an environmental group. She said that she “shudders with horror” at the thought of a “little hand slipping into hers—and a voice calling her Mummy.”

The “shudder” is caused by the thought of the child’s environmental impact. As Dave Barry likes to say, “I am not making this up.” I wish I were.

So, when Toni learned she was pregnant 10 years ago, she quickly had an abortion to “protect the planet.” Then, to make sure that such a “mistake” could not happen again, she had herself sterilized at age 27.

What did the child’s father think about all this? He sent her a “congratulations card” and later married her.

So far there has not been a mass outcry against this trend. For the full article, see:


Francis W. Porretto said...

Persons advocating the extinction of the overwhelmingly greater part of Mankind have made the news a few times recently. All one can really say to such a mentality is "Fine, let's start with you," but that sounds too flip and is seldom considered a legitimate riposte.

The mindset derives from "Commissar syndrome:" every rebel secretly believes that when the revolution has been achieved, he'll be part of the power elite, rather than one more helpless serf under the iron heel. Needless to say, this is not on, but wishful thinking is beyond such persons' ability to overcome.

"Doc Adler" said...

This is not the first time someone has publicly announced his or her intention to opt-out of the gene pool, but this couple comes across as being self-absorbed rather than altruistic.