Saturday, July 12, 2008

McCain Learns Obama Survival Trick: Throwing People Under the Bus

Right Wing Nut House has this to say about Sen. Gramm: "Phil Gramm is still one of the smartest men ever to serve in the United States Senate. This despite his clueless statement that the US is in a 'mental recession' and that Americans are a bunch of “whiners” about the economy."

Choice reader comments:

7. Gramm is not my favorite person, but he is sure right about one thing, there are an awful lot of people whining for the government to bail them out of the mess they got themselves into. Stupid and insensitive remarks? More like the truth, brother. Which is exactly what most of the whiners don’t want to hear. - mikeyslaw

11. #7 is right. Where was the government when the oil industry in Texas fell into the crapper? When dozens of town in Texas, that depended on the oil industry to keep them surviving fell into not much more than ghost towns?

Michigan has been in decline for as long as I can remember. Remember Michael Moore’s “Roger and Me” movie? Full of propaganda, it was an attempt to show the decline of Michigan and how the goverment was doing nothing to help.

But what are the property tax rates in Michigan? How much is the state income tax and state sales tax? Do the brain surgeon’s in Michigan not understand that you cannot tax yourself out of poverty? Perhaps not since that seems to be the Democrats answer to everything.

The Texas economy was in the tank in the early 80’s becuase it relied on the oil/cattle industry for support. No one cared. Now CNBC lists Texas as the #1 state for business with very little economic downturn, low taxes (we don’t have state income taxes) and a state budget surplus. Perhaps if Michigan wants to do something about it’s economy, it should take a trip south.

And what does Michigan, Ohio and Pennslyvania all have in common? They are union controlled states with union bosses too stupid to make it in the business world on their own. So they drag down the industries that those states do have. - retire05

12. Hate to disagree but Gramm was dead on the money. He should have been a bit more specific about exactly WHO the whiners were – that would be the MSM and the Democrats.

There is ALWAYS someone on the short end of the stick economically. We’ve all seen hard times. The answer is to get out and solve your own problems. If the plant closes and you lose your job you hustle up a new one or move or get some more training. We do have a substantial safety net (unemployment, retraining funds, etc) for anyone with will and drive.

So times are not as flush as they have been the last couple of decades; they are by no means fatal for anyone with some energy. The conomy has to do some cycling or we’d be stuck with a bunch of dumb ideas that didn’t get weeded out.

Let’s get on with it. - Whitehall

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